Risikointegriertes Prozess Engineering am Beispiel Offshore Windpark
The operation of offshore windfarms is risky, not only due to the technique applied and due to changing weather conditions. The multiplicity of the actors involved is risky too, as their cooperation is indispensable for a trouble-free process at sea. Information and data available about processes of the different enterprises involved are not sufficient for a datasupported optimization. Experts of the different subject areas have to be called in. Suitable procedures for the optimization of these processes are required. Considering risks in processes will help to identify and evaluate weaknesses and interferences and to select appropriate measures in order to eliminate, to discover in time or to prevent them. Against this background, the objective of the work is to develop coordinated methods for the investigation and engineering of processes based on risks. The core of this methodology toolbox is the integration of process risks in process models, which are the most important communication tools about processes between the different actors involved. Depicting risks in process models supports the identification of weaknesses and their impact assessment as well as the risk documentation. The scientific foundation of this is characterizing process risks, including – apart from the typical risk feature cause-event-effect-interconnection also influencing factors and risk relationships. For this purpose new risk modelling elements for the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0) are proposed such as risk specific data objects and intermediate events attached to an activity. They go beyond mere risk documentation and depict the overall risk system transparently by visualizing risk events and risk relationships. Furthermore these risk elements are the basis for a simulation of processes influenced by risks. In order to develop risk modelling preferably based on practicable risk parameters, methods for the identification and evaluation of process risks, their factors of influence and risk relationships are proposed. The failure mode and effect analysis, the bow-tie-analysis and the cross-impact-analysis are applied. A procedure model for risk integrated process engineering is designed by the integration of risk surveys and risk evaluation as well as the risk integrated process modeling in the process management. The methodology toolbox will be demonstrated on selected processes of offshore windfarm operation and its functionality will be confirmed. The benefit and applicability of the toolbox are demonstrated through interviews with experts of process modelling and process management as well as process experts of offshore windfarm operation. The risk integrated process engineering can be applied in enterprises in various contexts. It supports the improvement of processes and documents processes transparently.
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